Pure Capital - Independent asset management

Infrastructure and environment


Pure Capital offers a sound and efficient investment platform that is subject to the supervision of its supervisory authorities. Both Pure Capital and its partners have been approved by the C.S.S.F., the supervisory authority for the Luxembourg financial sector. Pure Capital is audited by PwC Luxembourg.


Pure Capital is authorised to operate as :

  • An asset management company under Chapter 15 of the Law of 17 December 2010 on undertakings for collective investment (UCI). In addition to collective asset management as defined under Article 101(2), this authorisation includes one or more of the services indicated in Article 101(3) of this Law;
  • An alternative investment fund manager (AIFM), whose authorisation under Article 5 of the Law of 12 July 2013 on AIFM includes, in addition to the activities indicated in Appendix I, one or more of these services indicated in Article 5(4) of this Law.


Pure Capital is not restricted to any depositary bank, administrator, registrar, transfer agent, domiciliary agent or distributor, all of which are selected and continuously monitored on the basis of their service, prices and financial strength.


Pure Capital provides its professional partners with a variety of detailed reports on risk management, asset management, depositary and delegated service provider key performance indicators and regulatory compliance, ...


  • The IT platform is robust and is continuously monitored.
  • Agreements with counterparties are essentially strategic and are long-term.
  • Ethical conduct is at the core of our investment process.
  • Risks are carefully managed.

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